Animal Communication

Animal Communication

Rainbow Bridge Session

- Do you have a hard time for your pet loss grieving?

 - Do you want to know if your beloved pet has any message for you?

- Do you want to tell them you love them?

- Do you have any questions that you want to ask them?

Animal Communication - 

Rainbow Bridge Session can provide comfort to those who have lost a pet. By connecting with the spirit of your pet, you may gain closure and reassurance about your pet's well-being after death.

Here is how does it work:

I will connect to your beloved pet intuitively.   I will pass your messages to them, and ask any questions you have.  After that I will ask if they have any messages for you.

This Rainbow Bridge Session is done on my own time.  I will email you the report after the session is done.

Here is the information I need to do the session:

  1. Name of your pet
  2. Sex of your pet
  3. Age of your pet
  4. Picture of your pet
  5. Your message for your pet
  6. Up to 3 questions

Session Fee: $55 (for 1 pet)  $99 (for 2 pets)

To schedule appointment, click here

or email:

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