Akashic Records Reading

Akashic Records Reading

Soul Realignment® Session

Do you...

- want to discover who you are Soul Level

- want to discover your Divine Gifts

- want to find out what holding you back

- want to clear your Blocks, Restrictions or Karma Patterns

By accessing your Akashic Records, you will be able to find out who you are at Soul Level and what are your Divine Gifts.  

Also, you will learn what blocks or restrictions are holding you back.  

You will gain profound insights, enabling you to navigate life with greater clarity so you can make "positive" choices that align with your fullest purpose and potential.

Here is how does the session work:

1. After payment is received, I will send you a welcome email and tell you that what specific information I need to access your Akashic Records.

2. I will intuitively access your Akashic Records on my own time.  (Usually I will read it within 1 week after the email received).  I will ask a series of specific questions about your Soul's  Characteristics, your Divine Gifts and any Blocks or Restrictions that holding you back currently. Then we will schedule a Presentation Appointment. 

3. During the Presentation Appointment, we will discuss what I found in your Akashic Records, like what are your Soul Characteristics, Your Divine Gifts, Your Blocks, Restrictions etc.  The session will be in person, phone or video chat.  (In person sessions are only available in Raleigh, NC area)  This session will be an hour.  


- Energetic Clear your blocks, restrictions and negative karma patterns. 

(Value $175) 

 - A "21 Days Transformation Homework" that you can work on your own to start your Life Transformation.  (Value $100)

A summary report of your Akashic Records Reading (PDF) 

(Value $55)  

Are you ready to transform your life?

Schedule your appointment here.

or email: Contact@SpiritConnect444.com

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